- Fix:
- When navigating throughout Prism and adding data, Multi-Account Users were not experiencing the correct filtering by account which was leading to records being created in the wrong account
Bid Management
- New:
- Manual Invite Only on Bid Reponses – PMOs will now be able to manually send out and manage the bid requests. This will allow PMOs to control more easily who receives Bid requests.
- Allow for Resend Bid on Sealed Bids – Users can now resend Bids on Sealed Bids in Bid Management. Video Here
- Fix:
- User-created Bid and requested four responses from specifically requested Vendor Companies an unselected fifth company was also contacted for a bid
- Fix:
- Users were unable to send communications when floor was selected as part of the audience settings
- "Apply Rich Text Edits to Plain Text" toggle does not default when cloning a message/template
- Fix:
- User were setting up custom Dashboard Cards but they were supplying the data expected
- New:
- Yardi API Billing Data - after running a batch, if you’re integrated with Yardi, you’ll be able to push billing-related operations data to Yardi
Import Tools
- Fix:
- File attachments were adding multiple times when imported alongside a Work Order record
- Certificates that were imported were not honoring sort and filter capabilities that should be available
- IMPORT | User Email Address in "Assignee" Field Were Not Honored.
- New
Header And Validation on Import – The import tool will now provide an accurate error message when a column header is changed within the original downloaded sheet. The import tool does not accept changes to column headers and this error message will make that clear. Video Here
- New:
- Inspection Print is now easily actionable from the Inspection Summary view per individual Inspection. Prior to this update the Print had to be prompted through the browser.
- Remove Action Column and add Hyperlink to ID# - On PMs and Inspection Tasks users previously had to find the action column in order to enter into the task. Users will now be able to click directly on the PM/Inspection Task ID to open task
- Inspection Template Report - Added On-Demand Inspections to the report.
- Fix:
- Property Column on the Schedules grid was not sorting as expected
- Duplicate inspections were able to be generated erroneously
- When sorting properties on inspection schedules users previously had to sort property pages individually
Mobile (iOS version 2.0.3 and Android version 1.89)
- Fix:
- iOS PMO:
- Fix for camera crashes reported by application monitoring system
- Users with correct permissions now able to edit Work Order details
- Inspections/Preventative - Task lists will now be sorted in descending order, with Properties with the greatest number of tasks will appearing at the top
- Inspections/Preventative - Task lists will now be sorted in descending order, with Properties with the greatest number of tasks will appearing at the top
- Inspections - The App was automatically changing the assignee on mobile inspections to unassigned when the user would complete
- Task lists now completely scroll through all results; no longer repeatedly scrolling through only the first page of tasks
- Users can now sort and filter on multiple assignees in PM task list
- Inspection tasks no longer being marked Unassigned by System user
- Properties with task counts now appear at top of list
- When managing the settings of steps on PM Procedures the page was auto scrolling to the top of the page forcing the user to scroll back down
- Accounts with large numbers of Task/PM Procedures/Schedules were not able to use the search bar to find specific results. Search bar was not filtering out the page via search.
- When creating a Schedule, Click All properties pulls in all properties on the account, even the ones the user creating the schedule does not have access to.
- iOS PMO: Fix for cost of custom materials added via mobile automatically rounding to dollar
- iOS PMO: Issue types now available for users working in offline mode
- iOS PMO: Fix for tasks not loading when user selected many assignees
- iOS PMO: Fix for broken icons in Work Order task list
- iOS PMO:
My Companies
- Fix:
- When creating a new tenant and indicating it’s a Sub-Tenant, the suites available to select from were not filtering to only suites occupied by the Tenant Company that is subleasing their space
- When creating a Sub-Tenant from an existing Company record, there were no suites available to select from
My Equipment
- New:
- Advanced HVAC Fields in Equipment Grid as columns are now available for all PMO accounts that have Advanced HVAC activated.
- Equipment coordinates can now be edited after import. Both latitude and longitude are editable on demand on each equipment record.
- Update to Remaining Life Calculation - Users can now add both Installation and Manufacturing date into the equipment profile and toggle between to two for use on the replacement data calculation. Video Here
My Spaces
- Fix:
- When exporting spaces for All Properties, the data returned was inconsistent and sometimes inaccurate
- Multi Account - After creating a new space, the page is loading continuously
My Properties
- Fix:
- Property Contacts: User Primary & Alternative phones were being placed in other user’s rows.
- Users without Property group access ie Property group management were still seeing the property group tab on My Properties
My Users
- Fix:
- Vendor/Tenants were unable to deactivate users
- Users who were originally apart 2 organizations but now belong to only one of those organizations still were showing that the user was a part of both organizations
- The My Users page was loading slowly and crashing during searches
Preventative Maintenance
- New:
- Charges Column on PM Task Grid has been added as an option for the Grid view on PM. Previously users would have to open individual tasks in order to view any charges associated.
- Remove Action Column and add Hyperlink to ID# - On PMs and Inspection Tasks users previously had to find the action column in order to enter into the task. Users will now be able to click directly on the PM/Inspection Task ID to open the task
- New Bulk Action: A user can now, on the PM Schedule Grid, Select Multiple Schedules to Enable or Disable Notifications in Bulk
- Fix:
Inactive Equipment was showing up under the equipment association option on PM Schedules. This was causing more information that needed to appear under equipment, since tasks won’t be generated for inactive equipment and equipment is no longer shown as connected to the schedules
- Searching for an assignee on PM tasks was taking longer than expected
Prism Insurance
- Fix:
- In Prism Insurance outside of the first page of Properties, the list of Properties was not in alphabetical order
- New:
Insurance Summary Report - Updated the report to provide the user with an easier way to see which certificates are expiring within the next 90d. Updated the report to provide the user with a new column to show the statuses of the certificates. Moved non-compliant insurance coverage type details table into a new report called "Insurance Coverage Details Report" with a few added data points. Video Part 1 & Part 2
- New:
Work Order Details Report - Added Team Assignees to the graph
Resource Reservations
- Fix:
- Multi-account PMO was having an issue with WOs firing from resource reservations
- User were double-clicking the “Add Reservation” button and it resulted in duplicate Reservation requests
- Fix:
- When creating a Vendor Visitor Prism was suggesting past visitors from different vendor companies
- Previously there was no instructional on how add users to the “Notify on Check-in” Field
- Tenant Floors and Spaces were not populating on the new Visitor Creation Form
Work Order
- Fix:
- Editing an ISSUE TYPE was resulting in an error message due to the Assign To field
- Notifications to Tenants included Priority & Target Completion details despite permission settings
- Details found under Contact info on a Work Order were inconsistent between the Created by and the Requested for contact info
- SLA calculations were exporting incorrectly
- In WO Grid the sorting of “Requested For” was throwing an error message
- The Taxable Toggle on Labor added to a Work Order was not allowing the user to turn Tax off
- When relating Existing Work Orders a number of Work Orders would not appear on the list to choose from.
- Recurring Work Orders were not being Triggered