- Labor Rates by Property – Tying Labor Rates specifically to Properties allows for different properties to have a different set of labor rates. This will filter the rates available for users to select from based on the property tied to the task. (Video Here)
- Accounting was not allowing you to set the Invoice Date on batches to a past date.
Bid Management
- Vendor Services for all Prism Users - PMO users can now associate service types to vendor company profiles and filter against those service types on the Companies grid. Video Here
- When clicking into sent messages, the sent dashboard would not load, showing a blank page.
Contracts Module (Coming Soon!)
New: Video Here
- Grid that pulls in all Prism contracts for that account (My Files, Vendor Company profiles, Bid Management and Contracts module)
- Template grid: allows you to create templates with custom fields that can be applied to a contract upon creation
- DocuSign compatibility
- Inspection Schedule Imports - Steps against the Inspection import tool will no longer be required. This will give the user the option to upload a variety of inspection schedules without the need to add steps/questions at that time.
- Multi PMO – Users were incorrectly given the option to import data to another company
- Adding Custom Field headers to Equipment Import Template does not import custom field data
- "Assignee Error: (user) does not exist" received on imports, even though user does exist.
- Repeat Work Order Report- This provides an easy way for the user to see which issue types have been reported a certain number of times against a space, equipment, or company. (Video Here)
- User with access to multiple accounts was seeing data from both accounts in Reporting, Users, and Properties even after specifying which account to load in the top left account dropdown
My Companies
- Users were unable to load the “My Companies” page due to slow loading resulting in an error message
- Tenant Companies -
- Tenant Default Taxability Checkbox - Prior to this feature, Tenant Companies and their Taxability was managed individually by toggling ON or OFF for Labor, Materials, and Resources. Now you are presented with a quick and easy check box marking that Tenant Company as Non-Taxable. Video Here
- Import: Addition of Non-Taxable: Markup columns to Tenant Company Import - Prior to this feature, users would have to manually go into each Tenant company after import to manage their Taxability and default Markups. Now this information can be uploaded initially through the Tenant Company Import. Video Here
- Tenant Companies -
My Equipment
- Add custom fields as Columns in the Equipment grid & export – Prior to this feature, Custom Fields on Equipment were only visible by clicking into the individual Equipment’s profile page. Now, users can have Custom Fields visible on both the grid view in Prism as well as in the Equipment Export. Video Here
- When in Prism and attempting to calculate the Remaining Life of a piece of Equipment at save the page was crashing and displaying the error, ““Something went wrong. Please refresh the page or click here”.
My Properties
- Search function on My Properties page was not sorting properly. This resulted in users having to manually scroll to find specific properties
Preventative Maintenance
- Readings Information in PM Procedure was not showing up in the associated PM Schedule
- Inactive Equipment was not properly removing its association with it's PM Schedules
- A user edited the PM Schedule Start date to an existing schedule but the task was fired out in accordance with the original schedule settings not the new settings
- Procedures taking too long to load for CBRE-JPMC Users.
- When creating a multi-day visitor, a day in the sequence was being skipped and instead created to visitor entries for the same day
- When creating a multi-day visitor for Ex: 3/30-4/5 the reported visit dates presented as 3/29-4/4. As you can see they wound up set a day early on both the start and end date
- Tenants were unable to click the “Add Visitor” Button, were receiving the “Something went wrong” error and were redirected to the home page
Prism Mobile (Current Versions: iOS PMO 2.0.7 & Android PMO 1.89)
Fixes iOS PMO version 2.0.7
- Searching Properties Under Settings on App now also affect Property Groups
- App Will No Longer Crash When selecting a Property with 0 Tasks
- WO Created from A PM Task will now automatically fill in the equipment field on WO creation
- If an Inspection is “On Hold” a user will not be seeing the ability to add Notes/Photos/WOs.
- Asset Name will no longer be cut off on the Equipment Profile Page
- Assignee count will now update as user change properties
- Equipment Name will no longer overlap with the Last services date on the equipment Page
- WO IDs on WOs originating from PMs will no longer be cut off in the breadcrumbs
- Unless “Can See Priority” is turned on at the permission level user without that permission will no longer see the WO Priority
- Display network error if user switch from one module to another in offline state for online only mode will now show
- Dropdown menus will no longer be experiencing delayed download on the WO creation screen
Fixes iOS PMO version 2.0.6:
- Fix for Wrong time logged when marking arrival
- Fix for QR Code on Equipment details screen appearing inconsistently between online & offline modes
- Fix for error on creating equipment with QR code
- Fix for responses added on PM steps not syncing from web to mobile
- Fix for keyboard always visible when adding labor hours
- Fix for users not being able to Cancel from Property Settings screen and return home
- Fix for Distribution Lists not appearing in Communications module
- Fix for users directed to the Inspections details screen after creating WO on Inspection
- Fix for Reading values not saving when navigating around WO
- Fix for “I’ve Arrived” selection not sticking
- Fix for Add Materials button not being visible on scroll
Fixes iOS PMO version 2.0.5:
- Closed Inspections no longer appear when the “New” filter applied to list
- Fix for “Unable to logout” error
- Question & Materials tabs on Inspections are now stable while scrolling
- The properties banner now displays the correct count of properties loaded
Work Order
- New “WO Schedule Created” Notification - The email notification that fires off when a Schedule WO first gets created now clearly indicates that a schedule has been made, and NOT that an actual task has fired off. The redesign calls out when the next occurrence of the Scheduled WO will be. This is to help prevent users from confusing notifications about when WOs get scheduled, vs. when an actual WO task gets fired off that needs someone's attention to complete it. Image of Notification here
- Tenant Schedulable: This fix will ensure that the "Tenant Schedulable" setting on Issue Types will only affect TENANT users' ability to schedule work orders of that issue type, and NOT affect PMO users.
- Assignee Company was randomly not populating on WO grid & export.
- Multi-account admin for Hines cannot create issue types in their non-default account (Executive Escalation)
- WOs completed before the target completion date, as per set SLA, were mistakenly reporting not meeting the SLA target.
Resource Reservations
- Cross Property Resources - Prior to this feature, resources were only available to be reserved by users/tenants of the property in which that resource existed. Now resources can be designated as cross-property by selecting from a list which properties can reserve that space. Video Here
- Amenities Under Materials are not recognizing their non-taxable setting when being applied to Reservation charges.