Prism has the model and concept to track Equipment or Assets. The basic Equipment record tracks large-scale systems such as Air Handlers and also can track smaller items such as Smoke Detectors.
The principal use of Equipment is the establishment of Preventative Maintenance Tasks associated with Equipment. These are associated with an Equipment Asset Type identifying similar devices or systems. An Asset Type could be far ranging, such as Laptop or Air Conditioner or could be scoped smaller such as Belt-Driven Air Handler.
Asset Types are grouped into a fixed set of Equipment Categories. These allow similar devices, such as those related to Fire & Safety or HVAC elements, to be grouped together.
The Equipment Categories endpoint returns the list of Equipment Categories in the system. The Categories are fixed in Prism. The endpoints supported are:
- List Categories: GET /equipment_categories
- Get Asset Types for a Category: GET /equipment_categories/<id>/asset_types
See below for Asset Types response.
The key data elements for Equipment Categories are as follows. Always double-check the Reference documentation for the accurate, up-to-date details.
- id: The GUID id of this Equipment Category record
- name: The English name of the Equipment Category
The Equipment Asset Types allows manipulation of the specific types of Equipment grouped by Equipment Category as above. The endpoint responds to:
- List records: GET /equipment_asset_types
- Create a record: POST /equipment_asset_types
- Get a specific record: GET /equipment_asset_types/<id>
- Update entire record: PUT /equipment_asset_types/<id>
- Partially update record: PATCH /equipment_asset_types/<id>
The key data elements for Equipment Categories are:
- id: The GUID id of this Equipment Category record
- account_id: GUID for the account
- account: Nested account object on retrieval
- category_id: GUID for category
- category: Nested category object on retrieval
- created_at: Date created
- updated_at: Date last updated
- name: The English name of the Equipment Category
The /equipment endpoint is responsible for creating and updating Equipment records. It corresponds to the following requests:
- List records: GET /equipment
- Create a record: POST /equipment
- Fetch a specific record by id: GET /equipment/<id>
- Update an entire record by id: PUT /equipment/<id>
- Partially update a record by id: PATCH /equipment/<id>
- Delete a record by id: DELETE /equipment/<id>
The key data elements in Equipment requests include:
- id: The GUID of this Equipment record
- building_id: A GUID for the Building in which the Equipment exists
- building: A nested object describing the Building where the Equipment resides
- asset_type_id: A GUID of the Asset Type for the Equipment
- asset_type: A nested object detailing the Asset Type of the Equipment
- owner_id: A GUID of the Organization which owns the Equipment in question
- owner: A nested Organization object of the owning organization for the Equipment
- space_id: A GUID of a Space object where the Equipment is located
- space: A nested Space object related to where the Equipment is located
- created_by: A nested User object of the creator of the Equipment record
- updated_by: A nested User object of the last user to update the Equipment record
- created_at: Date when the Equipment was created in ISO-8801 format
- updated_at: Date when the record was last updated (ISO-8801 format)
- name: Name of the specific record for Equipment
- asset_tag: Asset tag value for Equipment
- external_key: External identifier for data synchronization purposes; this is not displayed in the UI
- operational: Indicator if the Equipment is presently functioning
- status: Status value for the Equipment record; defaults to ‘active’
- criticality: Integer scale indicating the criticality of the Equipment to the business; defaults to 0. 1 means the equipment is critical
- manufacturer: Name of the Equipment manufacturer
- model: Model name of the Equipment
- serial_number: Serial Number of the Equipment
- description: Description text of the Equipment
- engineering_notes: Text describing any operational observations specific to this Equipment
- location_details: Textual description of the Equipment location
- longitude: Geolocation
- latitude: Geolocation
- altitude: Geolocation
- last_serviced_at: ISO-8801 date
- purchased_at: ISO-8801 date
- installed_at: ISO-8801 date
- warranty_expires_at: ISO-8801 date
- warranty_notes: Text describing any warranty observations specific to this Equipment
- estimated_useful_time: Duration in ISO8601 duration format eg: “+P365DT11H9M11S ”
- replacement_cost: Currency used to replace this equipment