- This will be released on November 6th, 2024 at approximately 5:00 PM ET.
- The previous Prism web update was on October 23rd, 2024 at approximately 5:00 PM ET.
- As a Property Manager using Prism, you now have more flexibility in applying tax to your charges. A new feature allows you to apply tax exclusively to the markup on labor and material charges, independent of the overall charge's tax status. This enhancement addresses specific billing conditions in tenant contracts, giving you greater control over your accounting processes.
- The new "Apply Tax to Markup Only" option in the Property Accounting Settings ensures that markup tax is always applied to the markup on labor and materials, regardless of the charge's tax status. This feature provides a nuanced approach to tax application, allowing you to comply with various contractual requirements while maintaining accurate financial records.
- This update to Prism's accounting capabilities offers you more precision in managing your property's finances, aligning the software more closely with your specific needs and contractual obligations.
- Accounting Batch cannot export past invoices.
- Exclude Declined Invoices from Accounts Payable Batch Export for APAC.
Bid Management
New: Introducing New Bid Management Features 🚀
Reopen Specific Vendors: Ability to "Resend" individual bids.
- Bid users now have an easy way to "Resend" (and thereby reopen) an individual bid even after it's been finalized by the vendor without reopening the entire bid again for editing. The "Resend" feature is available for individual vendors even for those bids in the "Pending Award" state.
Add and Edit Win/Loss Reasons: New comment field for all Win and Loss reasons.
- When finalizing a bid (i.e., selecting a winner) this new feature provides a comment field for all Win and Loss reasons. It also allows users who have the "Can Manage Proposals" Admin permission to edit win and loss reasons and descriptions after the bid has been fulfilled.
Bid Management Comparison UI: Redesigned, printable PDF Report and spreadsheet export.
- Delivers a re-designed, printable PDF Report and spreadsheet export for the View Bid Comparison page that also includes the win & loss reason descriptions along with the UI improvements of a more informative header and an improved scaling of the comparison table.
Reopen Specific Vendors: Ability to "Resend" individual bids.
- Hourly & Minutely Frequencies are available for Inspections/Work Orders/Preventative Maintenance. Video here
Property Managers now have access to more granular scheduling options for Work Orders, Preventive Maintenance, and Inspections.
- Hourly Scheduling: By default, tasks can be set to trigger every hour, every day. Alternatively, managers can customize the frequency, choosing to initiate tasks every specific number of hours or on selected days.
- Minute-based Scheduling: For more precise timing, tasks can be scheduled at intervals ranging from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 59 minutes.
Benefits of granular scheduling:
- Allows for quicker reaction to time-sensitive tasks or issues that require immediate attention.
- Enables more frequent checks on critical systems, potentially preventing costly breakdowns or failures.
- Helps ensure timely completion of legally required inspections or maintenance tasks.
- Hourly & Minutely Frequencies are available for Inspections/Work Orders/Preventative Maintenance. Video here
My Companies
- My Companies Grid is not properly sorting by Service Radius.
My Equipment
- Equipment Custom Fields do not import data.
My Properties
- Apply tax to markup only feature available.
- When managing properties for a user, the grid doesn't properly sort by Primary.
My Users
- Add existing owner and region fields as a column and filter to the "My Users" grid.
- Updates to “Export User by Properties” to include Owner, Region, and Property Groups
- Added the ability to filter the My Users grid by Owner and Region.
- Add existing owner and region fields as a column and filter to the "My Users" grid.
Preventative Maintenance
- Hourly & Minutely Frequencies are available for Inspections/Work Orders/Preventative Maintenance. Video here
Property Managers now have access to more granular scheduling options for Work Orders, Preventive Maintenance, and Inspections.
- Hourly Scheduling: By default, tasks can be set to trigger every hour, every day. Alternatively, managers can customize the frequency, choosing to initiate tasks every specific number of hours or on selected days.
- Minute-based Scheduling: For more precise timing, tasks can be scheduled at intervals ranging from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 59 minutes.
Benefits of granular scheduling:
- Allows for quicker reaction to time-sensitive tasks or issues that require immediate attention.
- Enables more frequent checks on critical systems, potentially preventing costly breakdowns or failures.
- Helps ensure timely completion of legally required inspections or maintenance tasks.
- Hourly & Minutely Frequencies are available for Inspections/Work Orders/Preventative Maintenance. Video here
- Incorrect Asset Types appear in PM Schedules Grid.
- PM Tasks with Custom Due Dates display different due dates.
- Network Errors occur when switching Equipment in PM Schedule.
- Permission Errors when editing PM Schedule.
Prism Mobile
Prism Mobile (Tenant)
- Export to Excel from Readings Summary Report is not populating despite data.
- Deleted properties still displayed on Account Engagement Summary Report.
- Work Order Details Report Shows wrong data under "Acknowledged By."
- Weekly Digest Emails deliver as blank.
- Ironside Newark reporting issues.
Resource Reservations
- Resource Reservations dropdowns not populating when viewing as a list.
- Checking in or out a visitor resets the filters.
- Photo does not save when visitor is checked in.
- Barcodes omitted when printing multiple badges.
Work Order
- Hourly & Minutely Frequencies are available for Inspections/Work Orders/Preventative Maintenance. Video here
Property Managers now have access to more granular scheduling options for Work Orders, Preventive Maintenance, and Inspections.
- Hourly Scheduling: By default, tasks can be set to trigger every hour, every day. Alternatively, managers can customize the frequency, choosing to initiate tasks every specific number of hours or on selected days.
- Minute-based Scheduling: For more precise timing, tasks can be scheduled at intervals ranging from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 59 minutes.
Benefits of granular scheduling:
- Allows for quicker reaction to time-sensitive tasks or issues that require immediate attention.
- Enables more frequent checks on critical systems, potentially preventing costly breakdowns or failures.
- Helps ensure timely completion of legally required inspections or maintenance tasks.
- Hourly & Minutely Frequencies are available for Inspections/Work Orders/Preventative Maintenance. Video here
- Vendors can modify Work Order status despite permission settings.
- Incorrect vendors listed as Assignees.
- JPMC Issue Type Export not working.
- Deactivated Company appearing as Assignee.