- This will be released on December 11th, 2024 at approximately 7:00 PM ET.
- The previous Prism web update was November 20th, 2024 at approximately 5:00 PM ET.
- Batch Scheduling: Automate and schedule accounting batches with customizable frequency, property selection, and PDF configuration. Click here to see a video of this.
- Invoice Summary by File or By Invoice: Choose between individual or comprehensive batch summaries, with flexible PDF output options.
- Resolved discrepancy in total labor hours between Batch Export and Work Order export.
Admin Page
- Fixed issue with reassigning Issue Types to Teams.
- Resolved problem where Tenant Admins couldn't update Tenant User Permissions.
- Addressed issue where SMS messages were showing 100% fail rate and not being received.
- Prevented users from overriding required questions and completing tasks via the Status Dropdown.
- AM Best Ratings for Insuring Companies: Provides PMO users with independent measures of financial stability for insuring companies. Click here to see a video of this.
- Clone/Renew COI flow: Allows users to easily duplicate or renew certificates, reducing time spent copying details. Click here to see a vide of this.
- Resolved issue with scrolling through property list in Compliance Profiles.
My Companies
- Corrected mixing of Sub-PMO Vendors with other Sub-PMOs properties.
My Equipment
- HVAC Fields Tab now available for all accounts with Equipment Module, not tied to Advanced HVAC module.
My Properties
- Corrected order of properties in the Property List when creating a PM Schedule.
- Fixed export of My Properties Grid to include Contacts (Roles) columns.
- Vendor Suspension V2: New permission allowing users to assign tasks to Suspended Vendor Companies and their users.
- Can View Tenant Companies: Provides controlled visibility of PMO and Tenant companies for PMO and Vendor user roles.
Preventative Maintenance
- Fixed issue where PM Schedule Details Export generated additional rows with blank Equipment IDs.
- Resolved error when using Category Filter in PM Schedules.
Prism Mobile
- Simplified Mobile Task View: New Work Orders details page for improved productivity.
- Simplified Mobile Task View for Work Order [Readings]: Readings section in new Simplified WO details.
- Mobile Usability - Performance improvements for better stability.
- Project Task Efficiencies: Features for more efficient task creation and viewing, including cloning and file attachment. Click here to see a video of this.
- Project Budget Allocations: More granular control of project costs for planned and completed work. Click here to see a video of this.
Resource Reservation
- Fixed issue where reservation details weren't showing on invoices for specific client.
- Resolved problem with disabling "Can Manage Resources" permission once enabled.
- Restricted visibility of Watchlist Visitors to appropriate tenants.
- Corrected issue with sending check-in emails for visitors not checked in.
- Improved performance when opening visitors with large number of upcoming visits.
- Fixed issue where editing group visitor dates removed some visitors from system.
Work Orders
- Prevented New to Arrive SLA from firing 'On Hold' work orders.
- Resolved error when cloning work orders.
- Implemented mandatory NTE acceptance before invoice upload and approval for APAC region.