- Lease ID missing from accounting template fields.
Admin Page
Customizing Email Notifications
Allow the property management users to customize their email notifications by adding attachments based on the property or type of user receiving it.
- Export of Issue Types doesn't show property-level configurations for Default Assignee
- Suites Import: Unable to utilize this import because the Yardi Identifier column is a required field.
Bid Management
- All losing bids say the decision was based on price, regardless of actual reason in RFP/Bid Management.
- Communications Templates Not Populating on Prism Web --> Mobile app.
- Communications Statistics Don't Refresh Automatically.
- Contracts - Accordion Header on Custom Forms adds extra characters to template name when creating a contract
Dashboard Cards
- If the Dashboard Cards Are Filtered by Property, the Filter Does Not Stick When Navigating to Grid from Dashboard Card
My Companies
Add a Vendor Classification Option to existing list (Indigenous Owned)
We have added a new Vendor Classification to the Vendor Profile.
- Deactivated Tenant Company is Still Showing Up as a Sub-Tenant in My Companies grid.
- Sub-PMO Admin Users Not Able to Suspend Vendors in My Companies
My Equipment
- Incorrect Dates Displayed in User Interface for Equipment Information
- Equipment's Service History and Schedule Does Not Have Working Links or Accurate Data
Prism Insurance
- Vendor User with Multi PMO Account Cannot Upload COIs Due to Invalid Building ID Error.
- Compliance Override Message Reads "Hello There" instead of explaining what a Compliance Override means.
- COI Expiration Reminder Email Off Center in the message
- Inaccurate Information Displayed in the Notice of non compliant for insurance certificates
My Properties
- API - Export Visible column not working with all Key Contact Groups in My Properties
My Users
- User is searchable by their inactive company instead of their active company in My Users grid
- When Managing Properties for a User, the Grid Doesn't Properly Sort by Access
Prism Mobile
Prism Mobile (Tenant)
Resource Reservations
- Opening Resource Reservations Doesn't Display all Reservations At First
Work Order
Allocation Codes on Work Order
Allow the property management user to assign a new ‘charge type’ to properties called “Allocation Codes” and provide work order assignees the ability to choose which allocation code applies to the work order itself. In order for users to do this, they need to [1] create allocation codes under 'Accounting', [2] create a custom field under the new type 'Prism Data', [3] add this custom field to a work order form upon create or close.
- Work Orders Assigned to a Team are Appearing as Unassigned in "Overdue Work Orders" Card on the Dashboard
- Tenant Quote appearing in USD on tenant view, even though showing no denomination on impersonation
- Recurring Work Order Will Not Trigger Work Order on Chosen Start Date/Time if User is in a Different Time Zone Than the Property
- User is seeing a huge empty space on Create Work Order page on Associated tenants list