Please note, you will need to have access to the properties these procedures are associated to to be able to use and edit them. You can add procedures to properties by checking the relevant schedules in the grid, and selecting "Add to all my properties." This will ensure that you have access to the procedure in all your properties.
Adding Procedures
- Click the Preventive module and navigate to the Procedures tab.
- To add a procedure, click the blue Add Procedure button in the top right corner of the page.
- Enter the name of the new procedure as well as the Category.
- You can enter a Procedure ID, estimated labor time in hours, Notes and any parts or materials needed for the task. These are all optional.
- Click Simple Steps to enter one list of steps to perform the procedure OR Click Individual Steps to add each step to the procedure with the ability to check them off as you complete. Within Individual Steps you can create sections with their own steps
- Click the "Properties" tab next to "Steps" to toggle on the relevant properties for the procedure.
- To add a file to the procedure, click the Files tab next to Properties then click Add File to upload a file from your device
8. When all fields are complete, you can simply save the procedure without activating it or linking the equipment by clicking the white Save Procedure button at the bottom of the page OR you can save and activate the procedure by clicking the blue Activate Procedure button.
Editing Procedures
- To edit a procedure navigate to the Actions tab in the Procedures grid and click on the Procedure ID
2. View current information for the procedure and change fields like Name, Category, Property etc. On the right of the page, the editing history can be viewed.
3. Edit Individual Steps and Sections by clicking into the box or Add steps and sections by clicking the respective Add buttons within the steps tab. To edit Simple steps, click into the box and enter new information.
- Click the blue Save procedure at the bottom of the page after making any changes.
Please refer to how you can add procedures to Preventative Schedules here.