- Click the Admin tab and navigate to the My Account feature.
- Within My Account, navigate to the Settings Tab to set a Security time out.
- Click the Company Logos Dropdown to add a logo. This will show up on the Prism website on the top left as well as communication message footers.
- Within Admin < My Account < Settings, Click the blue Add Primary Contact button on the right side of the page to add a contact.
- Click the Work Orders drop down to add Terms and Conditions to each Work Order.
6. Click Bid Management to set up conditions for Bid Management
7. Click Insurance to set up a compliance profile for the account
8. Click Billing to set up billing information for the account
9. Add Primary Contact to the Account through the right side of the page. (Contact information pulls from Users in 'My Users')
10. Click "Additional Contacts" to add Visitor or Insurance Contacts. Visitor contacts will be notified of new visitors and insurance contacts will be notified of upcoming expiry of COIs.