To upload multiple visitors, navigate to the Visitors module and then click "Actions" in the upper right corner and select import.
Click “Download Template”
Open the file and begin to enter your visitors’ details. While there are numerous optional fields, the following are required (indicated by an asterisk):
- Property
- This must be spelled exactly as it is in Prism, which can be confirmed by going to My Properties.
- Visitor First Name
- Visitor Last Name
- Company Visiting
- This is your company’s name in Prism. To confirm, it’s spelling, navigate to My Companies.
- Visitor Type
- This can either be Guest or Vendor.
- Date
- The date should be in the MM/DD/YY format.
- Host
- This can be any name, whether or not they are users in Prism.
Once you are done and your file is saved, click on "browse" to select your file, and then click "Import Visitors."
Please note that alteration of column headings will cause the import to fail.